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"I enjoy taking Havovi's Vinyasa Flow class as there is a smooth, light flow to the whole sequence without any efforting."
 -- Margo McLaughlin, Reflexologist and Hatha Yoga Teacher --

“Learning about Vinyasa Yoga in Havovi's classes has been great. She has a warm confident manner that puts everyone at ease. As a newcomer to Ashtanga yoga and as a mature student, I really appreciate Havovi's ability and willingness to tailor her classes to the needs of her students, whatever their age or level of experience. She explains each pose clearly and has a knack for knowing when I can go just that little bit further. My practice has been enriched by what Havovi has taught me, both on a physical and on a spiritual level. I look forward to every class!”
-- Nancy Collyer -- (nancycollyer@sympatico.ca)

“I knew Havovi as a neighbour long before she took over the group Hatha Yoga class in our apartment building rec centre, what a delight. Yoga relaxes and stretches you and with Havovi at the helm we were gently guided. She led us through each pose with gentle assurance, encouraging each one of us to reach our maximum potential. I am amazed at how much more I could accomplish with Havovi’s guidance. Havovi... I miss your classes.”
-- Mary Ann Girod -- (magirod39@gmail.com)

"My private yoga classes with Havovi have contributed to stabilizing the balance problems I have struggled with for many years by strengthening my core, challenging my body to bend and stretch to new limits, and helped reinstill my self-confidence. This is a testament to both her warm and communicative teaching style and a commitment to her students!"
-- Nives Krmec, age 58 --

"Havovi is professional, caring, patient and a wonderful teacher.  My private classes with Havovi are fun, dynamic and thoroughly enjoyable and I have benefited immensely from them."

--Jane Marrone--

“ In the Fall of 2010 our 11 year old son Calum, signed up to participate in a nine week session with his rep city soccer team, The Islington Rangers, at BLISS studio in Etobicoke, Toronto. They met once a week for an hour on nine Sunday afternoons to participate in a program to support their soccer training. The class was designed and taught by Havovi Mehta-Belaire...

Havovi had the perfect disposition with the boys. There was balance in her instruction. She had a class of about 12 children. She was firm yet very calm and clear in her instruction. I was told she had a very gentle manner about her. Calum found the work in the class to be physically demanding. Despite the challenges of the program Calum quickly saw the benefits of the work. His muscle tone and strength were developing quickly. At the same time he was gaining flexibility.

At the end of every class Havovi would give the boys something to think about for the week. It could be something along the lines of self respect, bravery, courage, kindness and so on.

To be quite honest, Calum was not keen on taking a Yoga class when it was first proposed to him. He failed to see the benefit of Yoga for a young athlete. That view quickly changed. In the end he saw how the work in class contributed to his general fitness and stamina. He saw Yoga as a perfect compliment to his busy athletic life. With these types of gains he looked forward to attending the class every week. We found Havovi was terrific with the kids as well as being very pleasant and friendly and helpful with the parents on the team.”
-- Karen Waddell --

“Havovi was fantastic at taking a group of 11 year old boys --- all of them high performance athletes--and showing them the benefits to be found in yoga.  Not only did they learn about the importance of stretching and aligning their bodies in all the right ways, but they also learned how the mind and body are connected and how important recognizing that link is to sports performance and the art of living itself.  I highly recommend her to those wishing to bring this connection into their children’s or their own lives as well.”
--Bea Gonzalez--
“Havovi has created an amazing workshop that allows beginners and experienced yogis the ability to participate together by teaching each pose with modifications...
After my first workshop, I immediately signed up for the next and I raved
about Havovi and her class to my mother (aged 62). To this day we participate in the same class together, both challenged at our own levels.
Havovi's teaching style is both easy going and in depth. She recognizes your ability and motivates you at your pace always with a smile of confidence.
Her soothing voice during the class allows your body to flow into each
pose and during savasana her voice allows your body to melt into the floor... the best way to end a workshop. I always leave the class with a sense of rejuvenation and energy.

My mind and body have gained strength from her teaching of the Yoga Energizer Workshop and if ever I miss a class, I feel the void in my week.
It's a must have!”
-- Jennifer Brennan -- (Jennifer@globalcontract.com)

“My daughter introduced me to Havovi and Vinyasa Yoga at the tender age of 62! Havovi's teaching style and encouragement has increased my flexibility. Havovi's soft voice drains the stress of the day and convinces you that you can "do it" and that your body can hold whatever pose for just "a little bit longer". Havovi -- amazing! The Energizer workshop -- great work out!”
-- Linda McMahon
-- (lmcmahon@rogers.blackberry.net)